

2 thoughts on “Poll

  1. Hey, that´s kind of a hard choice – because it all makes sense in some case. Allotments & community growing raise awareness and skills. Independent projects can be (/ have to be) very productive. Especially, when they make use of hydroponics.
    And integration of food into the “cityscape” just has to happen (the neater, the better) – sigh: why can´t I tick all of them ?!

    Posted by Dirk vom Dach | June 22, 2011, 20:27
    • Hi! Thanks so much for your comment! 🙂 I understand exactly where you’re coming from – that was kind of the point. There’s so much that can be done, but some seem to be held more important to some people than others – depending on who you are, where you live, and what you do. For instance if you live in the city, more roof gardens or hydroponics might be of more interest than traditional allotments, which seem to appeal more to those outside the city. Many also think we need more permanent sites, whereas others think that’s unrealistic in the current climate – thus community gardens are an easier option. It’ll be interesting to see what people choose – and if you have a strong opinion, please do post it here! 🙂

      Posted by Chloe Musson | June 23, 2011, 00:08

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