

This category contains 5 posts

Land grabs and grow bags: The plot to feed the City of London

The City of London is growing fruit and vegetables in grow bags in vacant building sites to tackle the increasing demand for allotments.

The root of it all: Food fanatical Todmorden spreads its seed

Thousands of people across the country have been inspired to grow fruit and vegetables in their community thanks to the ground-breaking achievements of a food growing project in Todmorden, Lancashire.

Escape E.coli by growing your own

Secretary of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Donna McDaid says growing your own organic vegetables can save you from health scares like the recent E.coli outbreak.

NSALG will fight to defend allotments

Secretary of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Donna McDaid says they were “surprised” to find the legal protection of allotments on a list to be scrapped during the government review into reducing “unnecessary burdens” on local authorities. She says the statutory duty of councils to provide allotments must remain otherwise “the foundation of … Continue reading

NLGN calls for more private land to be leased for allotments

Whilst there’s a push to turn neglected public land into allotments, there’s also a lot of unused private land owned by organisations like Network Rail, British Waterways and the National Trust, which could be used to rectify the shortage of allotments.


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